I'm in a bad mood today so this review might be a bitch, mwahaha >:(
Intro was promising at first but kinda died for for me with the cliche trance arpegs and gates. Loving the melodies though, like damn man, catchy as hell. Bobbing my way through your whole song.
Around 00:50 you kinda went down. The breakdown felt dull compared to the sweeping melodies (your melodies work against you sometimes haha, make me expect too much) and it was mainly the bassline that bugged me, the sidechain wasn't oompfing enough but I think just a note change somewhere along the line would've smoothed things out.
1:16+ is epic, loving that. I like the part when you slowed down the tempo, creative transition there.
Ok, I can't bitch at this song anymore, your melodies are too catchy for me... sorry If I was a bit harsh lol :D